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The Emotional Support Buddies are an easy to use self care tool, created by me (Annelise). Each Buddy has their own special meaning to help you with what ever you need, whether it be motivation, comfort or bravery. Your Buddy is a visual reminder throughout the day, that can always be close to you, to remind you that you’re awesome and you’ve got this.

Click play on the video to find out how to use your Emotional Support Buddy


Creator and founder of Emotional Support Buddy

Sup-paw-t Buddy

For the days when you need a bit more comfort and love in your day

Focus & Clarity

When you need a bit more focus & clarity in your day, this friendly creature will bee with you.

Meet the


Meet Annelise, the creator and illustrator behind the Emotional Support Buddy.

Meet the


There are eight buddies, each with their own special meaning to support you through the day.

Magic and Adventure
When you need a little bit of sparkle and adventure Supporticorn will help to find magic and adventure in your day. Remember to have FUN
‪Motivation to do alotl‬
When you’re having a day when you need some extra motivation. Support-alotl can help you to do alotl.
Comfort and love
When you feel a little down or need the comfort of a loving friend. Sup-paw-t kitty will remind you that you are pawsome & loved.
Take a break
When you feel overwhelmed or lacking energy, Remember to slow down, take a break, have a rest or hang out. It’s important not to over do it. Take care of yourself.
Comfort and love
When you feel a little down or need the comfort of a loving friend. Sup-paw-t puppy will remind you that you are pawsome & loved.
Focus and clarity
When you need to focus and get things done Remember to Bee kind to yourself. Break things down into manageable steps. You can do this!
Courage and bravery
When you need the Courage to do something new, brave, or scary. Dragon will help with your worries, fears and anxiety so they won’t be drag’n you down.
Out of the Fox Thinking
When you're dealing with something tricky and need a solution Sup-paw-t Fox can remind you to be an out of the box thinker

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